Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Vegetarian Recipes Tested from Kara's Kitchen

Potato, Chives and Soy Cheese Waffles

2 small to medium potatoes, peeled, grated.
three cups bread flour
1 tablespoon baking powder,
aluminum free
Pinch of sea salt
1 tablespoon fructose
1 tablespoon chives, diced
¼ cup diced soy american cheese
1 cup of soy buttermilk (see directions)
Pinch of cayenne pepper

Mix all ingredients in a medium size bowl and stir. Mixture should not be too thin neither should they be too thick. If you need to add water, do so slowly.

Buttermilk: one cup of soy temp., add juice of one lemon until starts to curddle! Don't overdue the lemon juice!

Note: Make sure your waffle iron is pre-heated and spray with non-stick spry.

Make sure the waffle iron is already hot before spraying and if using gas stove, never spray waffle iron while eyes are burning. Turn off just before spraying. Serve Hot!

Remember, these are potato waffles so the texture will be a little different! But, GREAT!!

Serving suggestions:
Great with tofu scrambled
soysages or striplets
Try a little maple syrup
or Pecan syrup! Some people suggest bananas..your choice!

My favorite is just plain and hot off the griddle!! yummie!


  1. Kara,
    This recipe is bookmarked.

    I like treating myself and my husband to a sweet waffle breakfast on weekends, but i've never made a potato version. I will now. Thank you.

  2. It is great!! I also love to make my sons favorite!! Made from soaked soybeans and rice!! ..Great as well.. but the potato waffles are excellent!!
